04 March 2010

Crown Jewel

Do you ever have those days when you wake up and feel like a princess? As sun shines through the window, a new and fresh day has begun. You feel like the world is smiling at you.

Being here at Disney should entitle me to one of those princess days for sure. Right?

Today, I surprisingly woke up with that feeling. Mind you, I do know that my day has been less than charming with a marketing session early this morning, an apartment inspection this afternoon, and work this soon to be evening. Despite those not so glamorous events, I find myself waltzing through the apartment, breezing through my workout like I'm running on air, and eating yogurt like it's some gourmet concoction at the royal table. I don't know what it is but I feel like a jewel.

Every woman should feel like a gem even when sitting around the house. Remember to always dress in a way that boosts your confidence. You don't have to be miss à la mode with the latest crazes, you just need to be yourself in the clothes you wear. Try adding an interesting piece of jewelry to make you feel more feminine and to give your outfit that finishing touch. Put on a dress to make a little impression on that man standing next to you. Even in workout attire, wear fun colors and pieces that highlight your favorite areas (and yes, ladies, you all have beautiful bodies even if all you see is fat).When relaxing at home, take a bubble bath. It may sound childish but you will feel calm afterward. Try a new recipe out of that cookbook that's been sitting on the shelf. You will feel accomplished after doing so and all princesses deserve a delicious feast after a day of her royal duties...maybe her prince might even help with the feast. Last but not least, enjoy your time with the people around you. Nothing is better than having the company of others who give you a sense of belonging and of love.

With that, be your girly self, throw on that dress, hop in your royal carriage, and seek the things that make you smile and leave you feeling like a crown jewel.

My Princess Outfit:

My Royal Carriage:
Mercedes CLS 550

My Gourmet Meal:
I'll need some help from the people at Gourmet Magazine to plan my tummy treat.

Things that make me happy:
My family and friends, dancing, running, shopping, a good book, walks in the park, laughter, discovering new music and revisiting old tunes, traveling and finding adventure, warm gooey cookies, and lots and lots of other things :)

xoxo, Kiki

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