20 April 2010

Green God(dess)

Some of us may be blessed with a green thumb or a knack for saving a lot of green, but I think most of us may have the tendency to go for convenience rather than strive for a greener tomorrow.

Rewind, let me start with Happy Earth Day to all you readers out there. Every year this day makes me stop and think about the ways that I try to go green. I do the usual: recycle old water bottles and soda cans, eat the occasional organic food, and try to conserve gas by not driving without a certain and needed destination. Though these activities are better than nothing, there is still so much more than I can do and that you can do too!

Think of this Earth Day as the nouveau New Years. At the beginning of each year, we all plan to eat more healthy, hit the gym more frequently, or swear less often. Let's make a similar pledge this Earth Day to make a greener change in our lives whether it's turning off the lights in a room when it's not in use or carpooling to work.

If you want to become one of those green thumbed people, then start from the ground up. Perhaps plant your own organic herbs such as basil, sage, and cilantro or grow your own organic fruits and vegetables in your garden paradise. Personally, I envy those who can find their own personal escape in beautifully nurtured home gardens. I don't have the patience nor the desire to get covered in dirt or be among the birds and the bees (and no I'm not referring to that meaning. dirty minds.) So for those with the green thumb, more power to you!

Recycle. Reduce. Reuse. Everyone knows this common phrase, but how many actually follow its message? Got glass bottles, aluminum cans, old papers, empty water bottles, dated magazines? Recycle, recycle, recycle! Do you keep the water running when you brush your teeth? Reduce water waste by turning it off when brushing. Do you leave the lights on in a room when not in use? Reduce electricity waste by only using lights in a room when in use. Do you and a neighbor drive to the same workplace separately? Reduce car pollution by carpooling. Have a lot of plastic bags in that pantry closet. Reuse them as a trash bag, a bag to pick up dog "treats," a laundry bag when on vacation, a lunch bag, a donation to a food pantry, or as packing material for a package. Be creative and think of ways to reuse items laying around the house. You'll save money by using the things you already have.

Need an eco-chic ride? Hop on a bike! Not only will you save gas and save money, you'll keep in shape. Healthy = Happy.

While riding your bicycle to the grocery store, don't forget to bring your reusable grocery bag. Here are a couple of my favorites that are also available at great prices. Click on the image for more details.

Is your wardrobe lacking in the green department? And I don't mean the color green. Check out Eco Citizen, Ascension, Kind Boutique, and Beklina. You'll get that fashion fix without compromising your green campaign.

As you can see there are many ways to become more environmentally conscious. You don't have to be a part of the Sierra Club to become a green god or goddess, just someone willing to change a small part of their lifestyle in order to welcome a better tomorrow.

PS: For those in Atlanta check out this event tomorrow April 23 at the Georgia Institute of Technology:

Among the largest Earth Dayevents in the Southeast, the 13th annual event on April 23 is free and open to the public. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., attendees can learn about the environment and what they can do to develop a more sustainable lifestyle through eco-friendly giveaways, recycling opportunities, an office supply and clothing exchange and more than 70 exhibitors."

(taken from an email sent to me)

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