02 April 2010

No Peeps Please

Easter is tomorrow! It's a time to wear those pastel colors, gather with family, go on an Easter egg hunt, and if you're so kind, give loved ones personal Easter baskets filled with goodies.

If you happen to do the latter and are pressed for creative ideas to add to the baskets, I have a few suggestions! No more plastic eggs filled with jelly beans or packs of pencils with rabbits and chicks on them and certainly no more PEEPS! They may look cute and the first bite might be yummy, but those marshmallow things fall short of what a real marshmallow should taste like and after eating one, you'd be so lucky as to feel good enough to eat another. But hey, if you love them...well, let's just say someone has to keep their business going.

So without much further ado and talk about Peeps, here are some treats that will make your basket receivers have a big smile on their faces.

1) Clothing always makes a good gift:
Especially something as fun as this White Rabbit tee. Works for both males and females.

2) Make a bold gift with an interesting bowl:
These chick bowls are adorable. Perfect for food or as decoration.

3) For the ladies, jewelry shines on as a great gift:
Flower + Cameo. Enough said.

4) Cupcakes for the Easter sweet tooth:
People will love you for personally made treats.

5) And finally, what's Easter without an Easter egg?:
This Ukrainian hand painted egg is just too cute.

Hopefully, these spur some ideas, as you complete your last minute Easter shopping. Just remember to make the gifts fun and not commercial. No one really likes a gift that looks like it was picked up at the end of a grocery aisle.

Be creative. Happy Easter.

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