17 April 2010

Sole Mates

I apologize for my slight blogging hiatus. I've been too preoccupied with reality. However, I've finally found a moment away from Atlanta apartment searching, Disney Pro Forma editing for a resort, and typical survival activities such as grocery shopping and laundry. So here I am. Its officially been 2 months since I've started my no clothing purchases for a year, and I'm still going strong. Quite the landmark moment!

...My shoe collection on the other hand has expanded. Though, I must say none of the shoes that I bought cost over $50, which is pretty dang good in my opinion. My attempts to stay fashionable while not breaking the bank will persist.

Here are my latest sole mates:
These two shoes will be great transition shoes throughout the seasons. They can be worn with shorts and skirts in the warmer months, and once a chill is in the air, pair them with tights or knit socks. Also, wear them with skinny jeans or a funky dress.

Sandals and oxfords like these will certainly be the hit this Spring and Summer. Grab a pair. Try interesting cuts and cool patterns. Don't think people won't look at your feet because they do. I mean how many people do you see walking around with their heads down texting on their phones? Lots. And what is all that they see while walking with their heads down? Shoes! Catch someone's eye with a statement pair of shoes. Maybe they'll take their eyes off their phone and give you a second look.

In Atlanta and want to take those eyes off the phone? Turn your attention to the Atlanta Film Festival going on April 15-23. It's a great way to support film artists seeking exposure in the indie film world. Visit atlantafilmfestival.com/index.php for schedule information, times and locations. Some screenings are free while others may have a small fee.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! We also just suggested an outfit to wear to the closing night extravaganza of the ATL Film Festival at our blog, fabrikfiles.blogspot.com. We are so lucky to have so much art, culture and fashion here in ATL! Keep up the great posts!

    -Genna @ fab'rik


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